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09th Jun 2021

Andrew Lloyd Webber ‘prepared to be arrested’ if theatres don’t fully reopen

Kieran Galpin

The godfather of modern theatre pulls the biggest rockstar move

The theatre industry has been battered by the pandemic, with many halls lowering the curtain for a final time. Despite Covid restrictions starting to lift, many theatres cannot afford to operate under a reduced capacity and are idly waiting for the coming lifting of restrictions.

Andrew Lloyd Webber, the genius behind some of the biggest musicals in history, has insisted he will be opening his theatres on June 21st regardless of the PM‘s decision. For a man usually associated with jaunty theatre bops, this is some serious rockstar behaviour. 

“We are going to open, come hell or high water,” he told the Telegraph, while also revealing he has already remortgaged his London home. He also stated how he would have to think about selling his six West End Venues, the same Venues that have housed iconic musical productions for years. 

Webber’s sense of urgency comes with his production of Cinderella set to open on June 25th and later its world premiere in July. 

 Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick has spoken on the topic, urging Webber to exercise caution. 

“But I would just urge him having been so patient over the last 18 months, I know it’s been devastating for his industry and his own businesses, just wait a few more days as the prime minister analyses the data.

“We don’t want to keep restrictions in place a day longer than is necessary but equally we always said 21 June was the earliest date in which we could move to the next stage of the roadmap.”

Despite Jenrick’s cautionary words, Webber is still confident in opening his theatres as planned. He has suggested that the science supports the reopening of theatres and that if stopped, he would expect some form of compensation. 

Stay tuned because, in the coming weeks, you could possibly see the theatre icon in handcuffs.Â