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22nd Aug 2021

Trump holds potential superspreader rally two days after US city declares Covid emergency

Danny Jones

Trump’s tact and timing is impeccable, as ever

Donald Trump has defied all logic, caution and common sense by holding a potential superspreader event in Cullman, Alabama, just two days after the city issued a state of an emergency due to a ramp-up in Covid cases and hospitalisations.

According to data from the New York Times, Cullman County has experienced a 218% increase in Covid-19 hospitalization amongst its nearly 84,000 strong population over the last two weeks. Trump, however, thought this would be a great place to hold one of his ‘Save America’ rallies, with thousands turning up.

As you can see, he dubbed the almost certifiable superspreader event as “the greatest rally” and “movement in the history” of the United States. Worth noting that Cullman has overcrowding emergency rooms and the hospital, in general, shortages in both beds and staff to attend to those in them, as well as an ambulance crisis currently strained its health care system.

Trump was introduced to the huge crowd of maskless attendees in pageant-like fashion, with the famous speech by George C. Scott from the movie Patton – about the eponymous WWII general and US army commander – the sounding out messages of how “Americans love to fight […] the sting of battle”.

Naturally, a large part of the rally was spent talking about the ongoing situation in Afghanistan and how the current administration’s handling of it “did not have to happen that way”, with the disgraced former president – who also spoke of pulling out of the country earlier this year – stating “this is not a withdrawal, this is a total surrender”.

As well as criticising Biden’s “humiliating” foreign policy regarding the resurgence of the Taliban, Trump also found time to take aim at the ‘woke brigade’ as you can see in the following clip:

In terms of worthwhile events, I wouldn’t call it gathering thousands of at-risk citizens from a high-risk city under no restrictions whatsoever in a big field to listen to an orange, shiny-faced, toupee-donning man-child a success, let alone one the greatest in a nation’s history.

Following an August 18th update from Cullman Regional, a further 53 patients had started being treated for coronavirus prior to the Save America rally, 12 of whom are said to be on ventilators. A local reporter from Birmingham, elsewhere in the state, shared these statistics on Twitter just two days before the event.

Oh yes, nothing like ‘saving America’ by cramming some of those currently most at risk close together and continuing to tell them how “Biden botched” the handling of the “China virus” pandemic, whilst ignoring any and all the mistakes your administration made throughout the majority of it.

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