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14th Sep 2021

Premier League to tell fans to ‘stay away’ unless they’re double-jabbed

Danny Jones

The Premier League are set to enforce domestic vaccine passports and pre-match testing, according to reports

Fans will not be allowed to attend Premier League football matches unless they are full jabbed, according to reports.

As per an exclusive in the Daily Mail, the English top-flight will ask fans not to attend matches unless they have proof that they are either fully vaccinated or can provide evidence of a recent negative Covid test.

Furthermore, clubs are set to employ “Covid marshals at games carry out spot-checks” in order to spot any fans who have gone to the game without proper Covid certification; if they do not provide the required credentials, they will be barred from entering the stadium.

It is thought that this will be the case for the rest of the season, despite the UK government having abandoned plans to introduce Covid passports for large-scale events just yesterday.

At present, Covid data indicates that 89.1% of those in the UK have had the first jab, 81% are now fully vaccinated and confirmed cases are still dropping. However, there has been just over a 25% increase in deaths within 28 days of a positive test.

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