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15th Sep 2021

Gavin Williamson has ‘given a leaving speech’ ahead of Cabinet reshuffle

Kieran Galpin

This news has not yet been verified

Sources allege that Education Secretary Gavin Williamson is stepping down and has given a leaving speech in his office, which comes as Boris Johnson is expected to shake up his Cabinet on Wednesday.

Huffington Post’s deputy political editor Sophia Sleigh tweeted: “Source tells me Gavin Williamson has given a leaving speech in his office.”

She continued to say that another source tells her that “he knows he is done”.

Government officials have not yet verified this information.

The news comes after reports emerged on Wednesday morning that Boris Johnsons is planning to reshuffle his cabinet in the hopes of bringing in new blood and getting rid of the hangers-on.

On Wednesday, a No 10 source confirmed the news, saying: “The PM will today conduct a reshuffle to put in place a strong and united team to ‘build back better’ from the pandemic. The PM will be appointing ministers this afternoon with a focus on uniting and levelling up the whole country.”

A senior MP allegedly told the Daily Mirror’s Rachel Wearmouth that Michael Gove is to move to the foreign office and Oliver Dowden to the education sector.

Liz Truss is also potentially up for promotion despite criticism earlier this year.

Huffington Post is also reporting that foreign secretary Dominic Raab could also be up for the chop, as both he and Williamson were missing from the front bench on Wednesday’s PMQs

Gavin Williamson hit headlines last week after mistaking Marcus Rashford for rugby player Maro Itoje. People were quick to pass judgement despite Williamson insisting he made a “genuine mistake”.

LBC’s Nick Ferrari grilled Social care minister Helen Whately on the topic, asking whether her colleague was incompetent or racist.

“Honestly, I don’t know,” Whately said.

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