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30th Nov 2015

Tornado forms at Australian music festival, fans go wild and start dancing around it (Video)

They were blown away


Although cities such as Manchester were blasted by high winds over the weekend,we’re not exactly used to tornadoes on these shores.

We’d imagine that the vast majority of us would run a mile at the mere sight of one.


They’re more accustomed to extreme weather conditions in Australia, so when a mini-sand tornado formed at the Earthcore dance music festival in Victoria over the weekend, festival goers reacted a little differently to how we might if one was to break out at say, Glastonbury.

Clip via SynapticTV

Granted, it didn’t stay for very long, but a lot of people in attendance, perhaps thinking that it was a figment of their imagination for *cough* whatever reason *cough* made the most of it.