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04th Oct 2021

Rats filmed crawling over croissants at Sainsbury’s

Danny Jones

Swiftly drops pain aux ‘raisin’

A video of rats invading the pastry section of a local Sainsbury’s in London has gone viral on social media.

The clip, captured by filmmaker Anthony Mitson on his Instagram story, shows two rats crawling all over ‘fresh croissants’ at a location along Essex Road in Islington.

The rodents are only on camera for a second or two before scampering off – but that’s all it takes, to be honest, and who knows how big the infestation or level of contamination really is?

His Instagram story goes on to show the supermarket then being shut down for a health inspection, with a community support officer seemingly stood outside turning potential customers away.

Naturally, the video has been shared ad nauseam (quite literally) by thousands on social media, with many claiming they will never shop at Sainsbury’s again.

A spokesperson for the supermarket said: “Safety and hygiene is the most important thing to us and we are very sorry for this experience. We are taking immediate action to clean our Essex Road store and pest control have been called.”

They went to say: “We apologise to our customers who can be reassured we will do everything we can to ensure the problem is fixed as soon as possible.”

That’s us staying away from the pastry section for a while.

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