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04th Nov 2021

Chicken shop hit with negative reviews after refusing to serve Tommy Robinson

Kieran Galpin

The police are now involved

A chicken shop in Milton Keynes has been bombarded with negative reviews after they refused to serve English Defence League (EDL) founder Tommy Robinson.

Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, claims in a video that the restaurant named Wing Kingz refused him service because of his “politics”.

Whilst talking to the manager, Robinson says that one of their supervisors is refusing to serve him and his kids. Said supervisor approaches and informs Robinson that he knows exactly why members of staff are refusing to serve him.

“I’m pretty sure you know why,” she repeats, adding that she doesn’t “need to spell it out for you”.

Robinson repeatedly asks for the owner but after the supervisor informs him that the owner is not on site, Robinson claims he will “bring 500 people and shut the restaurant down because you are about to discriminate against me”.

Turning to the camera, Robinson says, “get on your reviews because if you have a certain political view or you think a certain way, they don’t want you to eat in here”.

Robinson’s supporters did just that.

Posting a statement to their Twitter account on Monday (November 4), Wing Kingz touched on the incident.

“As you may be aware, Wing Kingz has received many fake reviews over the past few days. This is following an incident where our customers and staff were made to feel uncomfortable by another customer,” their statement read.

“Wing Kingz does not tolerate racism or discrimination in any way shape or form. We are a diverse business with customers and staff from all backgrounds and are committed to creating a safe, comfortable environment for everyone who steps through our doors.

“This matter is now with the police and anything further will be dealt with by them.”

The statement concluded by thanking their customers for continued support.

Speaking to indy100, a Thames Valley Police spokesperson said: “Thames Valley Police has received a report of harassment following an incident that occurred at Wing Kingz, Milton Keynes, on Saturday (30/10). An investigation is currently ongoing. Anyone with information can contact police by calling 101 or making a report online quoting reference 43210492898.”

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