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23rd Nov 2021

Will Smith says he once had so much ‘rampant sex’ it made him ‘vomit’

Charlie Herbert

‘Over the next few months, I went full ghetto hyena’

Will Smith has claimed there was once a time in his life when he had so much sex, it made him physically sick.

The actor made the revelation in his new memoir released earlier this month, entitled Will, discussing his life and experiences.

Smith, who stars in new film King Richard in which he plays the role of Serena and Venus Williams’ father and coach, said that after his first relationship with a girl came to an end, he turned to “rampant sexual intercourse.”

The relationship was with a girl called Melanie and came to an end when he was aged 16.

“I desperately need relief but as there is no pill for heartbreak,” he wrote. “I resorted to the homeopathic remedies of shopping and rampant sexual intercourse.”

He goes on to say that at the time he had “only had sex with one woman other than Melanie” but that their relationship finished when he discovered she had cheated on him when he was away on tour.

Smith continues: “Over the next few months, I went full ghetto hyena.

“I had sex with so many women, and it was so constitutionally disagreeable to the core of my being, that I developed a psychosomatic reaction to having an orgasm.”

He said that sex “would literally make me gag and sometimes even vomit.”

Smith added: “In every case, though, I hoped to God this beautiful stranger would be ‘the one’ who would love me, who would make this pain go away.”

It’s just the latest revelation about Will Smith’s sex life to come out recently, with his wife Jada Pinkett Smith having been very open about her relationship with the actor…

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