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05th Dec 2015

Jurgen Klopp reveals praise from Alex Ferguson for his revitalization of Liverpool

Well this is surprising

Kevin McGillicuddy

Alex Ferguson would be bottom of the list for any Liverpool fans scribbling their Christmas cards over the next few weeks.

The Scot firmly knocked Liverpool off their perch, which they have been struggling to scramble back onto even since his departure.

But under current manager Jurgen Klopp, it seems that the fortunes of Alex Ferguson’s greatest rivals could be due an upswing – and the former United boss is only delighted that Klopp has revitalised his old rival.


Klopp was given a managerial award earlier this week from the League Managers Association after the 6-1 win over Southampton, and told reporters that Ferguson had been in touch to offer his support after his opening two months in the hot-seat at Anfield:

“He said congratulations and the rest is private. But I’ve had the huge honour of meeting him a few times and of course he is a role model for every manager in football.

“It was a big pleasure because he’s a funny person and something like a book of history in football so it was good to spend some time with him.”

Ferguson has previously expressed his admiration for Klopp and his desire for the German to be a success in England.