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09th Dec 2021

Campaign launched to get ‘Boris Johnson Is Still A F*****g C**t’ to Christmas number one

Danny Jones

Would love to hear this at the rave, to be honest

There is now a campaign online to get the song simply entitled ‘Boris Johnson Is STILL A F*****g C***’, to number one on the charts this Christmas.

We dare say it has a decent chance…

Set to a tune resembling Gary Glitter’s ‘Rock And Roll Part II’ – a song that already has its own problematic connotations – the track is one minute and 14 seconds of Kunt and the Gang essentially repeating “Boris Johnson is still a f*****g c***” over and over again.

Delightful stuff.

As you can see, not only have the band put in a serious amount of craft into the carefully considered lyrics but they also clearly spent a lot of time on the visuals and overall theme for the music video too: essentially, spoofing Ghostbusters but instead of a big, green, fluorescent monster, we’ve got a shaggy-haired blonde, waffling one instead.

This isn’t the first big joke to be made at Boris’ expense either, as following the first leaks of the No. 10 Christmas party, one legend decided to organise a rave at Downing Street on Facebook. Seems only fair we get to sample the cheese and wine too.

The best part about this stunt however, is that the song was actually released on November 26 ie before this latest scandal had even fully come out. Basically, this tune was presumably inspired by all of the prime minister’s actions in his two-years tenure.

The track will be re-released on December 17 as it hopes to climb the charts and the band posted on how you can help it get to Christmas number one.

As the description on their website reads, this song was sprung out of the fact that since Christmas 2020 at least, Johnson has:

“– Repeatedly turned a blind eye to their own corruption, lying, rule-breaking and bullying.

– Tried to sneak through a bill to stop ordinary people lawfully and peacefully protesting against them.

– Tried to pass a bill to give them less chance of being held accountable for their corruption.”

You can’t argue with that, nor their lyrics – and while we certainly will be hoping they enjoy every success as they look to climb up the charts, we’ve got our festive favourites on repeat:

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