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09th Dec 2021

No 10 Christmas rave Facebook event has over 200k attendees

Kieran Galpin

Who’s bringing the gammon? Oh, wait…

Amid the continuing Downing Street Christmas party scandal, a satirical Facebook event named ‘Christmas Rave’ hosted at No. 10 has received 200k RSVP’s.

The spoof party was set up in response to the news of numerous Downing Street parties last Christmas while the rest of us were unable to see family, friends or loved ones.

While Prime Minister Boris Johnson denies such allegations, video footage of a senior Downing Street staffer only added fuel to the political fire.

Downing Street

In response, a Facebook event dubbed ‘Christmas Rave’ has been set up, also revealing that Boris Johnson “and chums” would be in attendance.

The advertisement continues to state: “No social distancing required.

“Bring who you like, bring your own nibbles and drink.”

At the time of writing, the event has received 241k “going” responses and a further 371k people who are “interested”.

This comes amid new restrictions in the UK in response to the growing threat of the Omicron variant. The PM denies claims that the ‘Plan B’ format is in response to the Christmas Party scandal.

A snap poll from Opium suggests that 53 per cent of participants think Boris Johnson should resign, while 35 per cent of his previous voters think he should walk away from the position.

A startling 12 per cent of people believe the PM is telling the truth about the scandalous event and 58 per cent of people think those who attended the party should also resign.

The online talk is fairly consistent, with many people calling for mass resignations.

“Boris Johnson should resign,” said political powerhouse and Labour MP Zarah Sultana.

Similarly, Dawn Butler, who previously called out the lies in parliament, also tweeted: “PM needs to resign.”

During the PMQs on December 8, SNP’s Westminster group leader Ian Blackford said: “If the Prime Minister doesn’t resign he must be removed.”

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