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20th Dec 2021

Retired adult star praises Billie Eilish for admitting porn addiction ‘destroyed brain’

Danny Jones

The 20-year-old recently said she’d been watching since age 11

A retired adult movie star has come out to praise Billie Eilish for voicing her experiences watching porn and the damaging impact it had on her at a young age.

The 20-year-old singer-songwriter is already a pop icon and last week she told radio host Howard Stern that she had been watching pornography since she was 11, adding: “it really destroyed my brain”.

Much has been made of the comment, with many pointing out how it is yet more evidence of how porn distorts the perception of sex among young men and women, and now a former adult movie personality has come out to praise Eilish’s honesty.

Randy Spears, 60, is a retired porn star and adult film director with credits on over 1,000 productions. Speaking to TMZ, Spears said: “I happen to agree with her: when we’re that young, our brains don’t have the capacity to digest [porn]”.

He goes on to ask “who in their right mind would want their seven-year-old, daughter or son, watching some woman with seven guys?”

After decades in the industry, Spear retired to become a religious minister and now offers couples counselling.

During the interview, Eilish revealed that her tastes in porn became so specific that she “couldn’t watch anything else unless it was violent” and that these sexual proclivities led to nightmares, sleep paralysis and intimacy issues as she got older.

Spears said that the access people have to porn at such a young age is “pretty despicable stuff”, stating that Eilish “has a lot of guts […] I applaud her for it”.

The songstress has already implied that she hopes to help educate younger people on porn addiction, as well as how misrepresentative and damaging it can be. Spears suggested that her confession could be turned into a platform to help people suffering from this very real illness.

Porn streaming sites get more visits than the likes of Netflix, Amazon and even Twitter combined and 35 per cent of all internet downloads are related to pornography.

Furthermore, 94 per cent of UK children aged between 11-16 said they had already been exposed to pornography by the age of 14 and 10 per cent of those aged 11-14 said they already felt addicted.

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