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22nd Dec 2021

Research shows time most of UK starts drinking on Christmas day

Kieran Galpin

Who gets drunk before lunch?

A survey has revealed the average time most UK households begin drinking on Christmas day- sorry mum, it’s not 9am.

Christmas day is one of the very few days where drinking before noon is socially acceptable. Whether it be a glass of bubbly or a bucket of mulled wine, we’re all just too scared to admit that Christmas cheer is actually a synonym for getting totally wasted.

According to a study from Masons Yorkshire Gin, Brits are most likely to grab their first drink at 11:45am. At this time, 23 per cent of those surveyed said they reached for Prosecco, Champagne or bucks fizz first.

The earliest Christmas drinkers are actually Londoners, who begin drinking just after 11am.

In other Christmas news, lovers of Yorkshire pudding’s will be happy to know that 72 per cent of our readers also love them with their Christmas dinner.

Yorkshire puddings are legendary, and we mean this – they just don’t go on a Christmas dinner.

While 28 per cent of you would agree, the 72 per cent who enjoy the pud on December 25 need to do some serious reflection exercises.

Is it the end of the world if you choose to have a Yorkshire pudding? No, of course not. However, with the way 2021 is going – do you really want to jinx it?

Traditionally, Yorkshire puddings are served with beef dinners but never turkey or chicken. The dish itself is hundreds of years old and was popularised as wheat flour became readily available during the 1700s. We know what you’re think though, all these foodie facts are taking away from some quality festive drinking time so we’ll let you get back to it.

Have a Merry Christmas – and don’t be afraid to call out your elderly grandparents if they ask for a Yorkshire pudding on their dinner.

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