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14th Jan 2022

Woman flashing stadium crowd leads to wild brawl in stands

Danny Jones

While some cheered, others started lobbing drinks

Fights broke out at a Supercross event in Angel Stadium, Anaheim after sections of the crowd took issue with a woman flashing the California stadium during a race this past weekend.

As the Anaheim 1 Supercross event gut underway on Saturday, the audience looked to be in good spirits, with drinks flowing and the seats packed out to watch the motor race.

However, it would seem one woman’s enthusiasm was too much for some, as another onlooker decided to confront her for flashing while children were present elsewhere in the stands:

As you can see in the clip – now deleted but reshared extensively on social media – large groups of people cheer the woman flashing as she holds a cup of beer in her mouth.

However, as the footage continues, a woman appears to have come over from elsewhere in the crowd to inform her “there’s children!”. While there were no doubt many on her side, you can hear the person recording telling her, “go back to your seat!” while others boo.

Before you know it, the woman seems to be going back to her seat when people start launching plastic cups full of beer at her, from which point on she sprints back to the row and launches into the group stood next to the woman flashing.

The video ultimately cuts off as the brawling starts to ensue; police told TMZ they had to break up two fights that evening but there was no mention if the flasher was part of it.

Just a normal day at the races.

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