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17th Dec 2015

Jose Aldo turns to the Bible as he breaks social media silence for the first time since UFC 194

Chin up

Darragh Murphy

Jose Aldo is attempting to keep a stiff upper lip.

The former UFC featherweight champion was understandably heartbroken after having his belt stripped away in such devastating style when he was knocked out by Conor McGregor in just 13 seconds.

UFC 194: Aldo vs. McGregor

Expectedly, Aldo remained completely silent on social media in the days following his crushing defeat but has since returned, posting a picture on Instagram of his return to Rio de Janeiro on Thursday.

Aldo also posted a heartfelt ‘thank you‘ to the fans who turned out at the airport while quoting from Corinthians before explaining how he would come back.

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

“This is family in good times and especially in bad times. What defines us is how we are able to rise after falling down. Thank you for all the loving and comforting messages. All of this only made me helped me to come back stronger.”



Jose Aldo,UFC