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15th Apr 2022

First Dates barman Merlin gives update after undergoing ‘lifesaving’ surgery for cancer

Charlie Herbert

‘Aches and pains. But no tumour!’

First Dates barman Merlin Griffiths has had his tumour removed in surgery, thanking the NHS for “literally saving” his life.

Last year, the Channel 4 star revealed that he had been diagnosed with bowel cancer, and he has been keeping his followers updated on his progress.

On Thursday, the 46-year-old dad revealed that he was going to undergo surgery to have his tumour removed, saying that he was “ready as I’ll ever be.”

And it sounds like it was a success.

On Friday morning, he tweeted: ‘Thank you #NHS for literally saving my life.”

He also posted a picture of himself from his hospital bed.

Earlier, he had also updated his fans on Instagram, writing: “2am. Tubes outta everywhere. Aches and pains. But no tumour!”

Merlin’s supporters rushed to the comments to congratulate him on the brilliant news and send their love, with one person writing: “Best of Luck Merlin. Sat here in today’s sunshine wishing for positives to come from today.

“You are such a kind, soothing, gentle and calming soul. We need you and your vibes to continue.

“So much love.”


Another said: “Amazing Merlin, absolute champ! Take it easy, recovery always takes longer than expected but what a relief!”

A third wrote: “Sending positive thoughts to you Merlin, can you set up a crowdfund as I’m sure many people would like to support to get you up on your feet, including myself. All the best m8.”

And celebs such as Adam Woodyatt and fellow First Dates stars also sent messages of support.

Announcing his diagnosis last year, Griffiths said he had been told he had a 75 percent chance of living beyond five years. Speaking to the Mirror, he said he intended to keep a “positive outlook.”

He told the paper how he broke the news to his daughter laix, who was just seven at the time.

Merlin explained how he told her that whilst his illness is ‘very serious’ it ‘should be OK’.

He said: “She understands that people can die but I told her cancer comes in different varieties and in different ways too – and that many people come through it.”

The cancer was discovered when he went to the doctors with pains in June 2021, which he had thought was just a result of scar tissue in his stomach from a car accident when he was 20.

But after tests, doctors found a 4.5cm Stage 3 tumour, which he said looked “like an alien.”

He has urged others with bowel cancer concerns to get any issues or queries checked out by a doctor or their GP.

For more information about bowel cancer, you can visit the NHS website or Bowel Cancer UK, where you can also donate.

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