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01st Jan 2016

This is what McDonald’s will look like in the future (Pics)

'McDonald's Next' is all trendy burgers and Apple-esque design...

Ben Kenyon

If you’re a certain age you’ll probably remember what McDonald’s was like in the 90s.

Ronald McDonald was still fighting the Hamburglar, burger came in those crappy polystyrene boxes and literally everything was all orange, yellow and brown.

But then McDonald’s grew up and dispensed with all that and started going all trendy and adding wraps and salads to the menu.

If you still yearn for those good old days when the Happy Meal was king, you’re in for a shock.

McDonald’s is about to take another quantum leap into the future as a new concept restaurant has opened in Hong Kong giving fast food fans a taste of things to come.

We’re not going to lie though – the ‘McDonald’s Next’ restaurant is pretty f**king cool.

It’s got a pretty sleek and minimal Apple-like design – which is a world away from the flashy, heavily-branded outlets you probably get your 3am Big Macs from now.

This new-look Maccy’s also has water fountains, phone chargers and a salad bar. A salad bar.


There were also some interesting items on the menu – including some ice cream covered pastries…

But the thing that caught our eye the most was the burgers. Oh the burgers! McDonald’s appear to be going all gourmet in this new concept restaurant.

If you’re used to getting  a burger in a box that looks like it was thrown together in the dark by someone using their feet…

…Then feast your eyes on these beauties…

Is this the game-changer McDonald’s are looking for?

