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01st Jan 2016

Blind mystic who ‘predicted 9/11 and ISIS’ has warning about 2016 from beyond the grave

This sounds bad...

Ben Kenyon

It’s hard to take any predictions about the future seriously these days.

The Mystic Megs of the world didn’t exactly cover themselves in glory in 2015 – there was the whole ‘end of the world’ stuff that fell flat on its arse and don’t get us started on everyone who said Chelsea would walk the league this season.

But a blind Bulgarian mystic, whose followers claim she predicted 9/11 and the rise of ISIS, made a pretty grim prediction about 2016.

Baba Vanga, who is believed to have said ‘American brethren’ would be attacked by ‘two steel birds’ back in 1989 – referencing the World Trade Centre attacks, highlighted this year as the one where the sh*t really hits the fan.

Before her death in 1996, Baba Vanga predicted that 2016 would see an ‘invasion by Muslim extremists’ across Europe.

Vanga, who supposedly predicted the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami and the election of Barack Obama as the 44th US President, said that by the end of the year the continent would ‘cease to exist’.

The woman that people called the ‘Nostradamus of the Balkans’ claimed more specifically that extremists would ‘use chemical warfare against Europeans’.

A nice positive note to start the year on then. Still, there’s definitely more chance of this happening than Chelsea winning the league.
