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20th Jan 2016

Making a Murderer viewers have discovered a piece of potentially crucial evidence

Key evidence


A scene in Making a Murderer has led viewers to evidence which could prove incredibly important.

If you’ve watched the series you’ll know the most crucial evidence is the discovery of the key to Teresa Halbach’s car in Steven Avery’s house.

The singular key on a blue lanyard not only helps place Halbach in the Avery trailer, but it also contains his DNA with no other traces from anyone else.

But eagle-eyed viewers have pointed out in this photo of Teresa Halbach, you’ll see in Halbach’s closed hand there is not just one key, but multiple keys.

teresa halbach

If you’re struggling to see it, this may help.

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This immediately raises the question of why there was only one key found in the Avery residence.

Obviously, the key could be a spare that Halbach kept but there is a significant level of suspicion surrounding the event.

Speaking to Rolling Stone, lawyer Jerry Buting said: “Dean and I worked on that case for 14 months before that trial, the last six months of which I did nothing but work on this case…But we were only two minds. What I’m discovering is that a million minds are better than two. Some of these people online have found things with a screen shot of a picture that we missed.

“There’s a picture of [Halbach] that I’ve looked at a thousand times that shows her standing in front of her vehicle, the RAV4. She’s got a camera in one hand and she’s also got keys. And it’s like a key ring.

“You can see there’s a bunch of keys there like a house key, probably a photography studio key, maybe her parents’ house key. And those were never recovered. Instead, we found this single key.

“Now we did challenge that, about how unusual it was, why is she walking around with one key? But I don’t think I caught the fact that there was a photograph showing what she really carried around with her is a bunch of keys. And none of those keys were ever found.”