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24th Jan 2016

VIDEO: An FBI expert thinks this serial killer framed Steven Avery

This could blow the case wide open


If you believe Steven Avery to be innocent, then you’re probably wondering who did kill Teresa Halbach.

There are multiple theories being shared, the most popular of which pin it on Bobby Dassey and Scott Tadych.

However more interestingly, a new suspect has been brought to light by an FBI expert, John Cameron.

Cameron, a cold case worker, believes the murder is the work of serial killer Edward Wayne Edwards, who has a history of setting up innocent parties for his murders.

“What it turns out Edwards would do is he would create horrific murders that were in the press constantly that created terror, and he would set people up,” Cameron said back in May 2014.

“It was always about the setup. Starting at a very young age, when he was 12-years-old, he was able to set up a guy for a murder he had done. And the rest of his life he would get off on not only killing people but then setting up someone close to the victim and then watching the system execute them.

“Just before Edwards came to Great Falls, Montana in 1956, he set up a guy in Berkeley, California, exactly like he set up Steve Avery.”

Edwards would travel the country often under assumed identities before seeking out his victims. He was eventually apprehended in 2009 and died of natural causes two years later.

More critically, Edwards often killed on Halloween night – the very night on which Teresa Halbach went missing. And, even more eerily, Edwards liked to visit the trials of the people he set up for murder.

Edwards can reportedly be seen in the background of episode six of the documentary.