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09th Feb 2016

Chelsea look to halt the sale of offensive Harry Kane and Arsene Wenger t-shirts

Kevin Beirne

Chelsea FC are looking to prevent unofficial retailers from selling offensive merchandise outside Stamford Bridge.

According to The Times, the Blues are looking to take action after they determined that certain stalls were selling offensive materials, as they don’t want such merchandise affiliated with the club in any way.

The unofficial t-shirts were sold on private property along Fulham Road before and after Sunday’s 1-1 draw with Manchester United, featuring offensive slogans and imagery alongside pictures of Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger and Spurs striker Harry Kane.

One t-shirt displays Wenger photoshopped onto Jimmy Savile’s body with the slogan, ‘With a packet of sweets and a cheeky smile’, in reference to the opening line of an abusive chant deployed by Arsenal’s rivals.

At the same stall, a shirt features Harry Kane’s face superimposed on an orthodox Jewish man’s body carrying the slogan, ‘He’s one of your own’ – a reference to the popular Spurs chant.

Tottenham fans and players are often subjected to anti-Semitic chanting during matches, and these t-shirts could be seen as an attempt to provoke rival fans.