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01st Mar 2016

Netflix has stepped up its crackdown on VPNs, users claim

Tom Victor

If we didn’t know about the range of shows available on foreign versions of Netflix, we might be happy with our lot.

But we do know about our American cousins having nearly twice as many options as us in the UK, and that has made people jealous.

So jealous that they have used virtual private networks (VPNs) to access the US Netflix catalogue from these shores.

Netflix has said it wants to offer the same range of TV and film across the world, but for now the streaming service has been cracking down on those who try accessing a different country’s options.

This Reddit thread has seen plenty of European users voice their concerns about the crackdown, with many giving their reasons for using VPNs in the first place.

Some have voiced their concerns that their country takes longer to get new shows due to delays in subtitling, which those fluent in English do not need.

Users across the world will hope Netflix hurries up and provides a universal catalogue so you can watch the same shows from anywhere in the world