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07th Apr 2016

Manchester United’s perfect exit strategy for Louis van Gaal has been thrown into turmoil

He's staying put

Kevin McGillicuddy

Louis van Gaal has his mind on one job only.

And we hate to tell you Manchester United fans, but it is not in the Netherlands.

Last week it was reported the Dutchman could be tempted by a job offer in his native land as his time looked to be running out at Old Trafford.

Van Gaal has a year remaining on his contract as manager of the Red Devils, but speculation all season has indicated that he may be prepared to step away from the role, or be pushed by chief-executive Ed Woodward, after poor results and even worse performances.

And it appeared that a role as the new technical director with the Dutch FA would have been his perfect exit strategy to leave the job with the Premier league side with some dignity, rather than be fired.


Unfortunately, the Manchester Evening News is reporting that the 64-year-old has rejected the job offer, and is now prepared to stay at the club until his current deal runs out in 2017.

The rejection of the lucrative role would suggest Van Gaal could be staying at Old Trafford for another 12 months, but with Jose Mourinho still unemployed, the speculation surrounding the Dutchman’s  prospects in Manchester remain grim.