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08th Apr 2016

Somebody has chased down the guy who dropped an entire KFC meal on the street and just left it there

The Colonel would not be pleased

Matt Tate

The whole country was up in arms on Thursday when a picture surfaced online of an entire KFC meal that had been disposed of on a street in Cheltenham.

Nobody knew much about the circumstances that led to the shocking incident, which was originally reported in the Gloucestershire Echo, but it was clear that the nation demanded answers.

What would possess anyone to throw away all that fried chicken, presumably purchased – judging by the fact the pictures were taken at 630 am – at a time of night when KFC is all anybody wants?

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The story was too big to leave, and the culprit has now been confirmed as Callum Meek, a business student at the University of Gloucestershire.

He explained he had been on a night out celebrating handing in an assignment, and abandoned the chicken after the bag’s handle ripped.

“Well, it was after a heavy night of drinking for a university social, so on the way home I decided to spend £15 on KFC just for myself,” he told Metro.

“‘I only managed to get through a couple bits of chicken before the bag broke and it ended up all across the floor. I attempted to recover the chicken, but in my drunken state gave up and made my way home.”

A pretty acceptable explanation in the end, then, but we shouldn’t forget the lasting impression the dejected KFC left on the nation.

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 Featured image credit: Callum Meek/Facebook

Have you got any stories of similar fast food mishaps? Get in touch at or on Facebook or Twitter.

