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11th Apr 2016

There’s a scientific reason why you have all those freckles


Did you know freckles actually also serve a higher purpose?

Spotted on Cosmopolitan, YouTube Channel SciShow have put together a really interesting video explaining why some of us have them.

Freckles are produced by cells called melanocytes, forming small bits of skin that have an increase in melanin (melanin is the protein that produces your skin, hair and eye colour).

When more melanin is developed, the result is freckles.

They also double up as natural sunscreen, but you still need to slap on that SPF to be fully safe.

According to, freckles are often genetic

“Research done among sets of twins shows that identical twins have nearly the same number of freckles. Freckles also tend up to show up in similar locations in twins, which gives evidence that freckles pass genetically.”

