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12th Apr 2016

People really hate’s latest “imperfections” ad campaign

Back to the drawing board we reckon

Matt Tate

The marketing team at might want to duck and hide from its Twitter notifications.

The dating site has unveiled its latest advertising campaign on the London Underground, and commuters are pretty damn annoyed at the message the posters appear to be sending out.

As part of their ongoing #LoveYourImperfections series, the latest ads feature portraits of two people: one with red hair and freckles, the other different coloured eyes. What’s so offensive about that, you ask?

Well, the strapline on the posters reads: “If you don’t like your imperfections, someone else will.” They’ve just set a new bar for backhanded kindness there.

Shockingly, freckled, ginger Tube-riders weren’t over the moon at being told they were ‘imperfect’ during their rush hour journey to work, and it wasn’t long before social media had rallied in opposition.

Then people decided to do a bit of editing…

And one guy decided to keep it short, simple and to the point with his feedback..

According to a report in The Guardian, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) confirmed that it had received complaints about the ads.

A spokesperson said in statement:

“Our adverts reveal common perceived imperfections and quirks of Brits – these include freckles which some people who have them may see as an imperfection. We think freckles are beautiful and our posters are designed to encourage everyone who has them to be proud.

We’re sorry if anyone has been offended by our latest ad – that was not our intention – but we’re really encouraged to see so many people standing-up for what makes them unique.”

And people thought there was nothing could do that was more offensive than Mark, the star of another campaign earlier this year, who publicly admitted to being the guy who never has his travelcard ready at the ticket barriers. As far as Londoners are concerned, these people have reservations in a particularly fiery corner of hell.