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12th Apr 2016

The price of Netflix is going up if you want to keep all the perks

Tom Victor

Those of us who signed up to Netflix in the early days have been able to enjoy the streaming service for its original £5.99/month price, some of us for a number of years.

For anyone who’s been watching a lot of full series, it’s still cheaper than buying the various box-sets – especially when there are probably a few shows where you’ve watched the opening couple of episodes and given up.

But those of us who have been signed up since the early days will soon be in for a price rise if we want to continue streaming shows in high-definition.


According to Media Guardian, users who initially signed up to the standard service have two options.

Either they can keep their £5.99 subscription – limiting them to standard definition streaming on one screen – or upgrade and start paying £7.49 per month to watch shows like ‘House of Cards’ and ‘Making a Murderer’ in high definition, with multi-screen capability.

The changes, initially announced in 2014, will come into force in May. However, despite this being a long time coming, some users have taken to social media to express their concerns.

With the Netflix catalogue shrinking by almost one third since January 2014, it seems some long-time fans are considering their options.

Still, with films like Moneyball and Ronaldo coming to Netflix this month, and ‘Black Mirror’ on the way, we can see even the sceptics sticking it out for a few more months at least, just to see what’s around the corner.