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24th Apr 2016

Probably everything you need to know about Beyonce’s new album summed up in one tweet

Here's a shortcut to understanding what everyone is talking about.

Declan Cashin

Even if you’re not a fan, it won’t have escaped your attention that Beyonce dropped a new “visual album”, entitled Lemonade, overnight this weekend.

Naturally, it instantly became a pop culture phenomenon, and has dominated chatter on social media all day.

But the big focal point of Beyonce’s new material is the lyrical hint that her husband, Jay Z, may have cheated on her.

With that in mind, Twitter user @blueraven got to the crux of the matter with this stark side-by-side image quoting two Beyonce songs, eight years apart:

The first is from Bey’s iconic 2008 smash ‘Single Ladies’:



…and the second is from 2016’s ‘Sorry’:




Probably not the sequel to ‘Single Ladies’ that fans had been hoping for.

