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01st May 2016

This man has built his own hoverbike and we want a go, right now

Where we're going, we don't need roads

Colm Boohig

Doc Brown was way ahead of his time in Back To The Future… or was he behind his time?

Either way, whenever he was, we’re sure Doc would be very impressed with this innovation.

Doc Brown

Mashable has shared this video of the renowned and highly unorthodox inventor, Colin Furze, well known for his YouTube antics, where he has come up with possibly his greatest/maddest idea yet – the homemade hoverboard.

Furze explained that it was designed at the request of his fans, adding:   “[The project’s] been going on over the past three months, but maybe only four to five weeks have been spent on it as I spent a lot of time waiting for parts like the propellers.”

As for his advice on adapting to his device, Furze said: “It’s all on getting the engines running the same speed and how you position yourself.”

You’ve probably developed a pretty good idea of what this looks like in your head by now. Or maybe you’ve just skipped right ahead to the video.

In any case, here’s the man in action…

Clip via colinfurze