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04th May 2016

A 10-year-old successfully hacked Instagram, so he was awarded $10,000


Ellen Tannam

Instagram is one of the world’s most used apps, so security measures around it are reasonably very tight.

Or so we thought.

Tech Insider is reporting that 10-year-old boy successfully hacked Instagram by finding a bug in the app that allowed him to make edits to any comment or caption posted.

To clarify: this child was born in 2006 and knows how to hack into super-secure apps, while you’re still struggling with basic HTML.

Jani lives in Helsinki in Finland, and the bug could have allowed him to delete comments from anyone’s profile, whether it be Kim Kardashian or Gigi Hadid.

The 10-year-old received the reward when he pointed out the vulnerability to Facebook, who are the owners of Instagram.

He plans to buy a new bike and a football with the money.

According to Engadget, payouts from Zuckerberg and company to enterprising people who discover flaws in the sites that they own are not uncommon: “In 2015, Facebook reportedly paid out $936,000 to 210 different researchers, out of a grand total of 13,000 submissions. 102 of those submissions were considered “high impact.”

The lesson is: learn to code. Right now.

