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11th May 2016

WhatsApp’s new update will make it much easier to use at work

No more sneakily replying on your phone

Conor Heneghan

Goodbye productivity at work.

We don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that people don’t ignore their WhatsApp completely while they’re at work, but you don’t want to be seen to be on your phone all the time either.


That won’t be an issue any longer, because WhatsApp have launched a new desktop app, enabling users to stay in touch anytime and anywhere – whether on your phone or computer at home or work.

The new desktop app is available for Windows 8+ and Mac OS 10.9+ and is synced with WhatsApp on your mobile device. Because the app runs natively on your desktop, you’ll have support for native desktop notifications, keyboard shortcuts and more.


To download the desktop app, visit this link from your desktop browser. Then, open the app and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app on your phone (look for WhatsApp Web menu under Settings).

WhatsApp users were already able to access the app on desktop via, which works in pretty much the same way, but this new app comes straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

A fantastic and very handy innovation for sure, but good luck trying to get much work done with this on your browser all day.


