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04th Jun 2016

The Rock quite likes the idea of being President of the United States

We're not arguing with him

Matt Tate

If Donald Trump is allowed to throw his hat in the ring, then why the hell can’t The Rock?

Dwayne Johnson, The People’s Champion, the WWE legend-turned-actor, The goddamn Rock, has revealed that he may just have his eye on the White House.

So in future, Americans who can indeed smell what The Rock is cooking might be able to stick it on a paper ballot.

the rock

You might think this sounds absurd, but you’re forgetting that the Republicans just voted in a nominee that wants to make Mexico pay for a wall that borders the two countries; a man that genuinely said the line: “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write, as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”

In America, quite literally anything is possible, and it looks like The Rock means business. He was asked about his political interests in a recent interview with GQ Magazine, and his response wasn’t lacking in ambition.

“I’ll be honest, I haven’t ruled politics out,” he said. “I’m not being coy when I say that, but at the moment I am not sure. I can’t deny that the thought of being governor, the thought of being president, is alluring. And beyond that, it would be an opportunity to make a real impact on people’s lives on a global scale. But there are a lot of other things I want to do first.”

American politics has had The Terminator. It (somehow) has The Donald. Will The Rock be next? Maybe, but not just yet, it seems.

We can wait.




America,The Rock