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16th Jun 2016

Facebook Messenger has a new secret football game to kill time before England vs. Wales

This is incredibly addictive.

Carl Anka

If you’ve found a way to be reading this at work, you’re probably not going to get too much done today.

England vs. Wales in on today, so doing work is a write off.

Be it a long lunch, a second web browser on your work computer, headphones and the radio on, or just streaming the game through your mobile phone. Where’s there’s a will there’s a way, and we’re hoping you will yourself to finding a way to distract yourself with the football this afternoon.

Facebook seems to agree, has they’ve released a new secret football game to help you procrastinate just a little bit more when you’re supposed to be at work.

Hiding in the new Facebook Messenger update for mobile, the new football game works similar to the hidden basketball game.

All you do is send a friend a football emoji ⚽️…

FB Messenger-Football

Press the symbol after it has been sent. And then enjoy a nice quick game of keepy uppies.

FB Messenger-Football-1

Play it between your long “toilet breaks” as you sneak off for the 2pm kick off. Our current high score is 8 (no, really, forget the screenshot, we just had had another go and we really got 8, stop laughing at the back).

We won’t tell your boss so long as you don’t tell ours…