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20th Jun 2016

This brilliantly unique CV attracted job offers from all over the world

A sweet offer

Cassie Delaney

Looking for work is a job in itself.

Sending out CVs and trying to stand out from the crowd is draining. You can send letter after letter and still hear nothing. One crafty job-seeker decided to up her game and create something truly special.

Enter: The Resumé Bar.

The CV covered chocolate bar is the brain child of  Renata Chunderbalsingh from Sydney, Australia. She spoke to Mashable about her idea.

“I am new to the industry, and was thinking well, ‘how can I get out there and tell them that I’m good?'” she said. “I thought, I have to differentiate myself from the crowd.”

Renata sent a few bars out to different companies and recruiters but when one recipient posted it on LinkedIn, it really blew up.

Gemma Lewis shared the image saying:

‘Not sure if we were bribed or charmed, but either way it prompted a lovely chat with Renata this morning.’

“I rarely get anything in the post so that was unique in itself. Otherwise, some candidates stand out in terms of design, infographics and formatting of CVs, catchy headlines in emails, content in the opening statement or hobbies even, but nothing like this,” she told Mashable.

Gemma has been helping Renata apply for work and Renata says now that she has offers as far reaching as Europe.

“Hopefully, I’ll finally find a job, and keep this as a nice memory of how I started my career,” she says.

