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12th Jul 2016

Piers Morgan slams Arsene Wenger as Thierry Henry leaves Arsenal role

He's not happy... again

Simon Lloyd

Piers Morgan doesn’t need much in the way of an excuse to have a moan about Arsene Wenger.

With that in mind, there won’t be too many folk surprised by his reaction to the news that Thierry Henry is leaving the club.

According to a report in the Telegraph, Henry had been offered a job coaching Arsenal’s Under-18s by Andries Jonker – the man in charge of the club’s academy – only for Jonker to be overruled by Wenger.

Henry has recently completed his A licence coaching qualification while working alongside Arsenal’s youngsters but was reportedly told by Wenger that he’d not be allowed to continue in this role unless he ditched his media work with Sky.

Henry responded by offering to work alongside existing Under-18 coach Kwame Ampadu for free, while continuing his work with Sky, only for Wenger to turn him down.

Well… it’s not like the man’s ever really done anything of note for the club, is it?

Responding to the news on Twitter, Morgan described it as ‘an utter disgrace’ and ‘ridiculous’.

And the ‘Good Morning Britain’ host wasn’t the only Gooner disappointed by the news…

But as we’ve seen on a number of occasion in the past couple of years, that’s not to say that every Arsenal supporter was up in arms about the decision.

Some pointed to Henry’s criticism of the club when working as a Sky pundit. Snapchat