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03rd Aug 2016

This was Wayne Rooney’s reaction to Memphis Depay’s pathetic overhead kick

Rooney's son thought it was funny too...

Ben Kenyon

Wayne Rooney’s most famous goal in his Manchester United career was arguably that stunning overhead kick against rivals City.

Still to this day fans can probably rerun the exact moment in their heads when Rooney rose majestically and struck the ball with such perfect precision that it could only end up in the far corner .

If Rooney’s 12 years at Old Trafford are remembered for one thing it’s surely this piece of sublime skill in a game United won 2-1 back in February 2011.

But on a night where Rooney’s glittering United career was being honoured in a testimonial, one of his teammates tried the exact same move…only it didn’t go quite as well.

Step forward Memphis Depay. The United forward ensured a miserable first season at Old Trafford and his poor run isn’t showing any signs of letting up.

If anything was emblematic of his time at United so far it was this attempted at an overhead kick.

So pathetic an effort was it that when the camera cut across to the dug out Rooney couldn’t hide his reaction.

Even Rooney’s son Kai, who was sat alongside his old man, couldn’t help laughing…

It didn’t go unnoticed on Twitter either…