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06th Aug 2016

Making a Murderer fans point to new evidence that could help exonerate Steven Avery

It's not over yet

Conor Heneghan

It’s a bit of a long shot, mind.

It’s been a long time since most of the world finished watching the first series, but the very welcome news that it’s going to return for a second season has sparked much interest in Making a Murderer all over again.

The new series will examine the efforts of the legal teams of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey to challenge their convictions as the State fights to have their life sentences upheld.

In the second season, fans of the show will get exclusive access to Avery’s new lawyer, Kathleen Zellner, who may well be interested in a theory that’s been gaining traction on Reddit in recent days.

The theory, posited by Reddit user foghaze in the TickTickManitowoc thread, claims that one of the bones in the bone fragment evidence files, containing details of Halbach’s remains, bears a remarkable similarity to a bird’s carpometacarpus bone, a small bone found in the wing.


The theory goes that, if the fire in which Avery allegedly burned the remains of the victim, Teresa Halbach (whose body was never found), was so hot that it cremated Halbach’s bones and it left just tiny, DNA-less bone fragments (as claimed by the prosecution), then it should have been hot enough to burn the bones of a small bird.

The heat generated by the fire has been questioned in the past, as a cremation expert claimed that it wouldn’t be hot enough to obliterate Halbach’s remains.

The discovery of a bird’s bone, meanwhile, would support claims by the defence that Avery used the fire pit on his property to dispose of animal remains.

It may be a small detail, but it’s not the first time that the bone evidence has been questioned and will only add weight to the claims of those who believe that Avery is innocent.

No doubt more will be revealed when Season Two returns to Netflix in the near future.
