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18th Aug 2016

This guy used his sister’s toothbrush to clean his Jordans, so she ‘redesigned’ them

He won't be doing that again

Matt Tate

Modern men absolutely fucking love their trainers, which is why many readers may find the following content distressing.

15-year-old Farah of Seattle is a committed sneakerhead who made an absolutely awful decision.

As reported by BuzzFeed News, the teenager was besotted with his shiny Baron 9 Air Jordans.

He was so intent on keeping them in mint condition that he seemingly thought nothing of using sister Hibaq’s toothbrush to clean them.

Big mistake. Big mistake indeed.

Hibaq told BuzzFeed that she had been running late for work one morning when she noticed her toothbrush lying next to his beloved trainers and a pot of shoe cleaner.

And it was apparently more than a one-off. “This isn’t the first time he used my toothbrush to clean his shoes,” she added.

Hibaq had to use her finger in place of the brush and immediately started hatching a devious revenge plan.

The winning idea? Makeover for the Air Jordans.

The 21-year-old explained that she’d discussed potential ideas with her sister, deciding that the evil makeup job would be the best way of ‘teaching him a lesson’. No shit.

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Then came the moment of truth. Hibaq presented the pimped out Jordans to her ‘shoe fanatic’ brother. His reaction – which was instantly deemed meme-worthy – says it all.

Never again.
