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27th Aug 2016

WhatsApp want to share your phone number – here’s how to opt out

You'll have to act quick

Carl Kinsella

The price we pay for technology…

WhatsApp announced this week that they intended to share their users data with their parent company Facebook in order to offer users a more personalised service, with more accurate suggestions regarding who to connect with.

Unsurprisingly, many WhatsApp users who just use the app to stay in touch with their friends aren’t thrilled about this development.

Luckily, there is the option of refusing WhatsApp permission to give Facebook your number for the purposes – but it will only be available for the next 30 days.

When you are presented with the new terms of service, don’t hastily click ‘Agree’. Instead, click ‘Read more about the key updates to our Terms and Privacy policy.’

When you do this, you’ll be given the option to un-select an option that is encouraging you to to “improve your Facebook ads and products experiences.” Here’s what it looks like:



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