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20th Sep 2016

WhatsApp group messages have received a brand new (and potentially very annoying) feature

Avoiding conversation has never been so difficult

Paul Moore

You’ll always be in the loop now, whether you like it or not.

If you happen to be incredibly popular, charismatic, funny, interesting and basically god’s gift to everyone, it’s very likely that you’re a member of a few WhatsApp groups. There’s a price for popularity though and it usually comes from those constant notifications that you receive.

If you’re looking for peace and quite then the mute button is remarkably handy but a new update to WhatsApp means that it’s basically impossible to avoid people in group chats – even if the conversation is muted.


The app has taken a lead from Twitter with their new feature. By starting a message in a group chat with the ‘@’ symbol, you’ll instantly see a contacts list pop up on your phone. This will allow you to tag multiple people in a single message. Any person tagged will instantly receive a notification even if they’ve muted the conversation.

If you know someone that never replies to a WhatsApp thread then this could be a very useful addition.

The new feature is just one of many recent ones which the tech giant have rolled out including the ability to quote messages in group chats, use bold text and incorporate gifs.

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