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20th Sep 2016

Your taste in music could soon affect who matches with you on Tinder

Your Carly Rae Jepsen-loving soulmate is just a swipe away

Conor Heneghan

Because as much as you’d like to think they do, not everyone shares your taste in cheesy ‘80s pop.

We’re just using cheesy ‘80s pop as an example here, but if you’re a regular user of both Tinder and Spotify, your taste in music could dictate who matches with you on the dating app in future.

Tinder today announced details of their newest feature: music powered by Spotify, which essentially adds one’s taste in music to the list of factors taken into account when suggesting potential matches.

From now on, you can select your own ‘Anthem’ to broadcast from your profile, display and listen to your top artists from Spotify, and swipe to see who shares your taste in music.

Tinder users can now play previews of other people’s top songs right from their Tinder profile and, if they have their Spotify account connected, you will see the artists you have in common with each person.

Here’s how to select your own Tinder anthem and get searching to see who shares your taste in music.

  • Search Spotify to find your Anthem even if you haven’t connected your Spotify account to Tinder.
  • Visit your Profile Settings in Tinder to connect your Spotify account (or download Spotify from the App Store or Google Play to create a new account for free).
  • Select which of your favourite Spotify artists you’d like to display on your Tinder profile. Start swiping to see who shares your taste in music.

Fellow Tinder users are probably more likely to consider your looks and other personality aspects ahead of your taste in music, of course, but we wouldn’t be surprised if people were put off by a drastic anthem choice.

Best play it safe with something like this then…

Clip via SurvivorVEVO

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