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23rd Sep 2016

American asks why Superdrug has no drugs and gets brilliant responses from the British public

He makes a very good point...

Ben Kenyon

Britain can be a strange place, even when you’ve lived here all your life.

So if you’ve just moved to this neck of the woods, we imagine our quirky little Island can be completely baffling and bewildering.

One American woman who was working in London was so baffled that she had to write a long list of all the things that make British people and culture completely bonkers.

Apparently we like to talk about the weather a lot, say ‘sorry’ at the start of every sentence and gave our Queen multiple birthdays and think it completely normal.

But one guy from the US who is new to Britain asked a pretty straightforward and obvious question to Twitter.

Why are there no drugs in the high street shop Superdrug?

We’re not sure whether he was just looking for some cough drops ready for the full-blown arrival of Autumn or if he meant something stronger – presumably to drown out all the weather-related chat he’s had to endure since arriving on these shores, but it seems like a reasonable question to ask.

The New York reporter got some excellent responses from the ever-helpful British public on his innocent Twitter question though.

Turns out Superdrug isn’t the only other of Britain’s high street shops that doesn’t exactly do what it says on the tin…

We’re not too sure how many people would genuinely be in the market for a carphone these days to be fair…

We could see how Boots could be misleading if you’re from abroad…

And this was obviously going to be wide open for misinterpretation…

Someone pointed out that the United Kingdom was probably a misnomer at the moment…

We’re not this this would help to be honest…

Still, there’s always someone out there willing to lend a hand in the search for drugs…

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