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09th Oct 2016

An important moment in football history: Gareth Bale lets his hair down while playing for Wales

Highlight of the match

Simon Lloyd

Wales could only draw their World Cup qualifier with Georgia on Sunday afternoon… but never mind that. Let’s talk about Gareth Bale’s hair.

As keen observers of Bale’s football career will have noted, the former Spurs number three has sported a man bun for the majority of his time at Real Madrid.

Here, look…

Wales v Georgia - FIFA 2018 World Cup Qualifier

However, during the frustrating draw in Cardiff, viewers were intrigued to see that Bale’s locks temporarily broke free from their usual tied-up position.

Wales v Georgia - FIFA 2018 World Cup Qualifier

Because people are weirdly fascinated with footballers’ hairdos, the sight of Bale letting his hair down caused quite the reaction on Twitter.

Many gave it the thumbs up…

With some going as far as saying stuff like this…

Some struggled to process the fact that Bale’s hair was actually quite long when it wasn’t tied up. Who’d have thought?

Others struggled to get their heads around the fact an image of Bale with his hair down was finally in the public domain…

This guy was looking back on Bale’s Tottenham days with dewy eyes…

Being the internet, there were plenty of folk who didn’t like what they saw…

And plenty of people wanting to talk about Bale’s battle to hide a bald patch…

Robert here even went to the trouble of cropping a photo of it…

Bale scored Wales’ goal, incidentally. Not that this is anything like as important as his hair.

Catch up with the latest episode of Football Friday Live: