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07th Apr 2022

Welsh government leaks official details of Queen’s death plans

Kieran Galpin

‘We take the issue of information and data security very seriously’

An official inquiry has been launched after the Queen’s death plans were accidentally leaked by the Welsh government.

Back in 2021, a member of the public was emailed letters and a security pamphlet marked “official sensitive” by an unnamed member of the Welsh government.

Then, in September 2021, it is understood that a top UK civil servant wrote to colleagues over fears of a news site reporting the Queen’s death plans.

The civil servant also confirmed that the information had been sent by accident, reports the BBC.

“Whilst the email did not contain any operational information, it was marked ‘official sensitive’ and should not have been shared,” the Welsh government’s most senior civil servant, Dr Andrew Goodall, told the BBC. “We take the issue of information and data security very seriously, and this is now being investigated as a potential security breach.

He added: “We are unable to comment further.”

Via Getty

Last week, the Queen was slammed for the “terrible” decision she made to allow Prince Andrew to walk her through her late husband’s memorial. This came a month after Andrew, 62, settled out of court with sexual assault accuser Virginia Giuffre.

He paid her a staggering £12m despite maintaining that he had never met her.

Social media, panel shows and political commentators are still debating the ordeal, which many say was the Queen’s first public display of support for her son.

“It was a slap in the face to see the Queen as Head of State publicly endorse disgraced Prince Andrew with such a prominent role at Prince Philip memorial service,” tweeted author and activist Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu. “Like all is forgiven & forgotten? It’s not.”

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