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21st Oct 2016

Graham Norton lays into Brexit saying people bought a “pack of lies”

This won't go down well with some...

Alan Loughnane

Strong words from the presenter…

It’s been four months since the historic and controversial decision by Britain to vote to leave the European Union and despite the passing time, the dust is nowhere near settled.

The pound fell to a six-year low against the euro this week and the price of imported booze is already on the rise.

Graham Norton appeared on The Late Late Show couch tonight with Ryan Tubridy and in a wide ranging interview, he had some strong thoughts on the subject of Brexit and the “pack of lies” they were told.

“I was astonished that people bought the pack of lies they were sold and I feel sorry for the people who voted for it because they were lied to. They were promised things that are never going to happen and they were told [about] the things that are now unfolding: ‘oh don’t worry, that won’t happen’,” Norton said.

He spoke of how it will be the economy that makes the headlines, but it’s the effect that the move will have on the youth that is the “most depressing thing”.

“What is great about being young is you’ve so many options. Life – all the doors are open, every door is open. What is so sad about Brexit is that people over 60, because it was people over 60 passed that thing, closed so many doors on young people and shut down options.

“Shut down options about studying abroad, living abroad, working in places. It just seemed absolutely the wrong instinct. Don’t make the world smaller, don’t shut things down. I understand where the fear comes from but, actually, I think it is sad,” he said

But he does have a solution in mind to solve all of the issues that arose following the Brexit referendum.

“You do think: ‘do you not see what they do in Ireland?’ If you get the wrong answer, you ask again! It was a no brainer” Norton said.

You can catch up on the latest episode of JOE’s Football Friday Live right here…