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11th May 2020

Boris Johnson reveals road map out of lockdown


The PM made the remarks in a pre-recorded address on Sunday

Boris Johnson followed up Number 10’s change in slogan on the coronavirus from Stay Home, Protect The NHS, Save Lives to Stay Alert, Control The Virus, Save Lives with a Sunday evening statement that itself was criticised for lacking clarity.

Johnson and his colleagues had been criticised for the meaningless new slogan over the weekend, with many fairly asking the question: What does ‘stay alert’ actually mean in the face of an invisible virus?

All would become clear, it was suggested, when the prime minister delivered his announcement on Sunday. That was not necessarily the case.

The PM was once again vague on how necessary it is for people to work from home, saying essentially that if you can you should, if you can’t, then don’t, but if you do have to go to work, avoid public transport.

What he did announce was an extension to the amount of exercise people can now do, with the one daily outing for exercise regulation scrapped in favour of ‘unlimited’ exercise.

What it amounted to was at best lots of words, with little substance and at worst, an announcement some critics feel was the green light for lower income workers to risk their lives by going to work in non-essential jobs while the middle class remain at home.