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23rd Jun 2020

Is it really safe for England’s pubs to re-open?


Pubs are open from July 4

Prime minister Boris Johnson announced in the House of Commons on Tuesday that England’s pubs will be allowed to legally re-open from July 4 onwards.

Pubs and restaurants will be permitted to open to the public, providing they adhere to one-metre social distancing, and offer only table service to customers.

All bars and restaurants in England have been closed since March 20, when coronavirus lockdown kicked in in earnest. Three months on, the government has deemed it safe enough to open them again.

But how do the people working in those bars actually feel about going back to work at a time when, according to all of the data available, the virus is still here.

We spoke to one bar worker from Liverpool, who admitted that she does not feel comfortable returning to work in July.