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24th Feb 2017

7 times the letters on Countdown perfectly aligned to drop some home truths

Ciara Knight

This all definitely happened.

Countdown is one of the few reliable sources of informative entertainment available today. No matter how awful the world gets, if you switch to Channel 4 at 2.10pm, you’ll be met by Nick, Rachel and Susie’s familiar and comforting faces.

Some people believe in witchcraft, others in fate. Regardless, sometimes you have to hold your hands up and admit that the universe is trying to tell us something. On these 7 occasions that follow, it’s obvious that another force was trying to contact us through a combination of vowels and consonants.


On this particular day, viewers were astounded not only to see a number appearing in the consonants pile, but also that Rachel mistakenly drew 16 letters as well. The audience was stunned into silence, with one man instigating a round of applause and standing ovation that was said to have lasted well over five minutes.



Amazingly, the day after Harambe met his demise, the Countdown letters pulled this heartwarming stunt. They paused for a minute’s silence, as a touching slideshow of the loveable gorilla played on screen, complete with a voiceover from noted celebrity Todd Carty. A classy gesture from the show.



This previously unseen still image from Countdown was sent specially to us by their Head of Truths, John Fakesurname. While we’ve struggled to identify specifically what the orange juice is alleged to have done, it’s still a very definitive statement that’s being made by these vowels and consonants. Our research continues.



Not quite as clear-cut as the others, this particular arrangement of letters seems to subtly suggest that the current President of the United States has small hands. While there is little evidence to prove this particular hypothesis, certainly not a Tumblr devoted to it, we must now decide for ourselves if it’s true.



Probably the most beneficial Countdown subliminal message here, informing viewers that while avocados contain a high percentage of fat, it’s actually monounsaturated fat, meaning they can lower cholesterol levels and as a result, are extremely beneficial when consumed in moderation. From the moment we’re born, we are always learning.



Perhaps interpreted as a social commentary based around the participants and viewers of Countdown, the vowels and consonants presented themselves in this particular formation to remind us that we are all nerds. Joke’s on them, the only true nerds are Pharrell Williams, Chad Hugo and Shay Haley (from the band N*E*R*D).



Deceptively unremarkable at a first glance, this formation of letters simply spells ‘Countdown’. However, if you look very closely on the right, Rachel Reilly has been replaced by The Count from Sesame Street. As we all know, The Count loves maths and the word ‘maths’ is contained in its entirety in ‘aromatherapy’, which is the practice of using natural oils for the betterment of our overall well-being. In summary, Countdown is good for us all, probably 🙂

