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14th Apr 2016

Ant and Dec earned an absolute fortune last year

We're in the wrong line of work...

Carl Anka

British telly’s favourite presenting double act had a very good 2015, it seems.

Ant and Dec made just over £7 million last year according to Companies House.

The pair earned £7.07 million in 2015; Ant earned £3 million in the year until the end of June, while Dec earned £3.38 million.

Dec also pulled in an extra £1.76million thanks to a cash injection from disposing of an unknown asset. It is believed that the money has taken Dec’s shares in his company Deecourt up to a tidy £12.4million.

Ant’s shareholder funds at company Teecourt are at £12.3million.

The duo are also joint directors of Hurley promotions, which made £376,000 in the year ending last October.


Ant and Dec’s earnings owe a lot to a £10 million “golden handcuffs” deal with ITV. The agreement, which makes the pair exclusive to ITV programming is one reason they have been such a constant presence on our TV screens at the moment, jumping from I’m A Celeb… to Saturday Night Takeaway, to now presenting Britain’s Got Talent.

Interestingly, Ant and Dec’s golden handcuff’s deal expires this year, so renegotiations could lead them to making even MORE money in 2016.

Nice work if you can get it.

Fair play boys!