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27th Dec 2016

Conspiracy theory EastEnders fans are all saying the same thing about the Christmas Day special

It's the only possible explanation...

Nooruddean Choudry

EastEnders on Christmas Day has always been something of an event.

In many ways it shouldn’t make sense. The Albert Square scriptwriters go out of their way to make their storylines as miserable as possible on what is meant to be the most joyous and happy day of the year.

And yet we love it. It is as if the festive misery experienced in Walford leads us to count our own blessings, or perhaps it makes a relieving change from all the saccharine sweetness of the holiday season.

Who can forget ‘Dirty’ Den serving Angie with divorce papers back in 1986? A whopping 3o million of us tuned in to relish his cruel revenge…

And then there was the emotional farewell of Jamie Mitchell in 2oo2, as he died of spleen complications with poor Sonia at his side…

More recently there was the dramatic moment in 2007, when the Brannings settled down to watch the big reveal of Max and Stacey’s sordid affair…

All unforgettable episodes we’re sure you’ll agree. 2016 was sure to be no different, with the nation waiting expectantly with wide eyes and full bellies. Except the prime-time staple didn’t come on until 21.30, ending an hour later at 22.30.

After watching the episode, in which the main cause of drama was a power-cut, viewers were left thoroughly unimpressed…

So much so, that many reckon the late scheduling was a strategic move on the Beeb’s part – because the episode was so dull and uneventful. The conspiracy theory is they knew it was piss poor and tried to catch viewers merry and distracted…

In fact the only other reason for the lateness of scheduling seemed to be this particular innuendo concerning Dot’s…furry pet.